Antonella Radicchi

Antonella Radicchi

Architect and Urbanist, PhD


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Invited keynotes at national and international symposia and conferences

  • Keynote Speaker, Symposium: Listen Here Now! A Participatory Soundscape Approach to Biodiversity and Well-Being in the City9 January 2023, University of Groningen. Invited key-note: “Beyond the Noise: Open Source Soundscapes. Community-driven sound mapping, assessing and composing”.

Invited presentations at national and international congresses and conferences

  • MCAA Annual Conference 2024, 14-16 March 2024, Milan (IT). Presentation: title TBC.
  • International Landscape Study Days, 22-24 February 2024, Fondazione Benetton, Treviso (IT). Invited presentation: “Healthy cities and the quest for a quiet life. Policies and practices for sustainable urban development”.
  • International Symposium “Inclusive Design with Multi-senses”, 14 April 2023, STEAMhouse, Birmingham, UK. Invited presentation: “Visual Diversity and Artificial Lighting at Night in Public Spaces”.
  • Mutual Learning Exercise on Citizen Science Initiatives – Policy & Practice, 7-8 November 2022, Berlin (Germany): Invited presentation: “Scaling up citizen science”.
  • Future Cities Festival, 20-21 October 2021, Bristol (UK), online. Invited presentation: “How cities might sound in the future” (title to be confirmed).
  • Cluster Event about Institutional Changes, European Commission, 1 July 2021, online. Invited presentation: “The EU-Citizen.Science project”.
  • Conference “Soundscape in urban and building design”, University of Trento, 17 September 2021, Trento (IT). Invited presentation: “Hush City: open source planning of quiet areas in cities“ (“Hush City: pianificare dal basso aree di quiete urbane“).
  • UCL Cities Partnership Programme: “Light and Sound for Heritage sites”, London, UK, 21 June 2021, online. Talk: “Combined sound and light walk as a method for collective inquiry and knowledge production. Reflections about potentialities and challenges for future research” (with Dietrich Henckel).
  • Final Symposium 2020 COST-Action Citizen Science to promote creativity, scientific literacy, and innovation throughout Europe, 3 September 2020, online. Invited presentation: “The EU-Citizen.Science project”.
  • Conference “Il respiro della città. Stili di vita e dinamiche di mobilità” (“The breath of the city. Lifestyles and mobility dynamics”, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, 13 January 2020, Rome (IT). Invited presentation: “La pianificazione delle aree di quiete urbana come infrastrutture essenziali della città sana“ (“Planning urban quiet areas as essential infrastructures of healthy cities“).
  • International Congress 178th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 2-6 December 2019, San Diego (USA). Invited presentation: “Untapping the potential of soundwalks as participatory methods for co-designing smart cities“.
  • 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, 9-12 September 2019, Aachen (DE). Invited presentation: “A soundscape study in New York. Reflections on the application of standardized methods to study everyday quiet areas“.
  • International Congress Inter-noise 2019, 17-19 June 2019, Madrid (ES). Invited presentation: “Smart Citizens for Sound Cities“.
  • International Congress Inter-noise 2019, 17-19 June 2019, Madrid (ES). Invited presentation: “Mobile applications for environmental noise and soundscape evaluation”.
  • International Congress 177th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 13-17 May 2019, Kentucky (USA). Invited presentation: “An experimental soundscape study, combining binaural recordings, in-situ questionnaires and behavioral mapping“.
  • CONAMA, 2018 International Conference on the Environment, 26-29 November 2018, Madrid (ES). Invited presentation: “The open source soundscapes approach to everyday quiet areas. Criteria and recommendations for policy planning“.
  • International Congress 176th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 5-9 November 2018, Victoria (CA). Invited presentation: “Soundscape Evaluation of Urban Social Spaces. A Comparative Study: Berlin-Granada“.
  • International Festival Healing Places, 31 August-2 September 2018, Rotterdam (NL). Invited presentation: “Everyday quiet areas are vital to our health“.
  • International Congress Inter-noise 2018, 26-29 August2018, Chicago (USA). Invited presentation: “Everyday quiet areas. What they mean and how they can be integrated in city planning processes“.
  • International Congress Inter-noise 2018, 26-29 August 2018, Chicago (USA). Invited presentation: “From crowdsourced data to open source planning. The implementation of the Hush City app in Berlin“.
  • International Congress Global Health Conference, French Embassy, 29 June 2018, Berlin (DE). Invited presentation: “Considering health in urban planning“.
  • International Congress Euronoise 2018, 27-31 May 2018, Crete (EL). Invited presentation: “The use of mobile applications in soundscape research: open questions in standardization“.
  • International Congress 174th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 4-8 December 2017, New Orleans (USA). Invited presentation: “Quietness as a commons: Integrating soundscape in urban planning for the environmentally just city“.
  • International Congress Placemaking week, 12 October 2017, Amsterdam (NL). Invited presentation: “The soundscape approach to placemaking“.
  • Smart Mobility Summit, 3-4 May 2017, Lisbon (PT). Invited presentation: “Quietness, Smart Mobility and the Future City”.
  • International Congress 2015 UNESCO Historic Cities Heritage of Peace Program, 4-5 April 2015 Istanbul (TR). Invited presentation: “Firenze Sound Map. An Emotional Journey through Florentine Soundscapes“.

 Presentations at national and international congresses and conferences

  • 14th Biennal of European Towns and Town Planners, 22-24 April 2024, Naples (IT). Presentation: “Inclusivity and public lighting of public spaces at night” (with Dietrich Henckel)
  • European Citizen Science Conference 2024, 3-6 April 2024, Vienna (AT). Presentation: “Scaling citizen science for a responsible and inclusive change: The MLE CSI-PP Toolkit”
  • Italian Citizen Science Conference CSITALIA 2023, 25 November 2023, Pisa, (IT). Presentation: “Note teorico-metodologiche per una scalabilità inclusiva e ‘responsabile’ dei progetti di citizen science”
  • Italian Citizen Science Conference CSITALIA 2023, 25 November 2023, Pisa, (IT). Light Talk: “Il piano di stakeholder engagement del progetto PNRR CS4RIVERS – – biodiversità, citizen science e contesti locali”.
  • ALAN 2023- 8th International Conference on Artificial Light At Night, 10-13 August 2023, Calgary, Canada. Presentation: “Visual Diversity and Artificial Lighting at Night in Public Spaces” (with Dietrich Henckel)
  • BiSP23 – Biennale of Public Spaces, 26 May 2023, university of RomaTre, Rome, Italy. Presentation: “La prossimità nei progetti urbani: una analisi comparativa fra Parigi, Barcellona e Milano” (with Francesco Alberti)
  • International Conference Streets Ahead: Post-Pandemic Civic Spaces, September 9-10 2022, Dublin, Ireland and online. Presentation: ‘Reclaiming’ the street: Socio-economic sustainability in Business Improvement Districts in the post covid climate” (with Jieling Xiao and Lucas Hughes).
  • International Conference EURA 2022 European Urban Research Association, June 16-18 2022, Milan, Italy. Presentation: “Benefits and limits of leveraging citizen science mobile applications in urban planning”.
  • International Conference Shaping Light for Health and Wellbeing in Cities, December 16-17 2021, online. Presentation: “Planning artificial light at night for pedestrian visualdiversity in public spaces” (with Dietrich Henckel).
  • International conference The future of citizen science: sharing experiences from the European community, November 24-25 2021, online. Presentation: “The EU-Citizen.Science project” (with Silke Voigt-Heucke).
  • Italian Citizen Science Conference, November 11 2021, online. Presentations: “Hush City. Mappatura, analisi e pianificazione di aree di quiete” and “EU-Citizen.Science. La piattaforma europea di citizen science”.
  • International Conference Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development, September 14-16 2021, online. Presentation: “From the Neighbourhood Unit to the 15-Minute City. Past and Recent Urban Models for the Post-Covid Future” (with Francesco Alberti).
  • International Congress Uncommon Senses III: Back to the Future of the Senses, May 6-9, 2021, Montreal (CA), online. Presentation: “Recent advancements in the smellscape research in the built environment” (with Jieling Xiao).
  • International Conference in Citizen Science CisSci Helvetia 2021, 14-15 January 2021, online. Presentation: “The EU-Citizen.Science project”.
  • XII Giornata internazionale di Studi INU/12° International INU Study Day “Benessere e/o salute? 90 anni di studi, politiche, piani / Welfare and/or Health? 90 Years of studies, policies and plans”, 18 December 2020 [via Zoom]. Presentation: “Passeggiate partecipate e tecnologia mobile citizen science. L’esperienza del processo partecipativo per la redazione del piano delle aree quiete di Berlino 2019-2023” (“Participatory Walks and citizen science mobile technology. The experience of the participatory campaign for the Berlin Plan of Quiet Areas2019-2023”).
  • International Congress Environmental Design Association Conference (EDRA50), 22-26 May 2019, New York City (USA).Presentation: “Is a noisy city sustainable?“.
  • International Congress AESOP 2018, 11-15 July 2018, Gothenburg (SE). Presentation: “Open source planning of urban quiet areas“.
  • International Congress Acoustics ‘17: 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 8th Forum Acusticum, 26-29 June 2017, Boston (USA). Presentation: “Beyond the Noise: Open Source Soundscapes. A mixed methodology to analyse and plan small, quiet areas, applying the soundscape approach, the citizen science paradigm and open source technology“.
  • 32nd Italian Congress of Geography, 7-10 June 2017, Rome (IT). Presentation: “Lightscapes and Soundscapes of the Urban Night. Berlin/Florence“.
  • International Conference on Sound, Urbanism and Sense of Place, 7-9 April 2017, São Miguel Island, Azores, (PT). Presentation: “The HUSH City app. A new mobile application to crowdsource and assess “everyday quiet areas” in cities“, Invisible Places.
  • The International Conference on Future Breakthroughs in Science and Society, 8-9 November 2016 Berlin, (DE). Presentation: “Breaking the Walls of Noise Pollution“, Falling Walls Young Innovator of the Year 2016.
  • XI Conference of the European Architectural Envisioning Association, 25-28 September 2013, Milan (IT). Presentation: “Emotional Geography & Soundscape Studies. Beyond the cognitive approach in (sound)mapping urban spaces”.
  • II International Congress on Ambiances, 19-22 September 2012, Montreal (CA). Presentation: “The Sonic Niche. A new design tool to enhance and create atmospheres through sounds in the contemporary city“.

Invited lectures within Ph.D. programs

• University of Firenze, Florence, Italy, 29 November 2016. Lecture: “Sense-Scapes: Natural Darkness and Quietness for the Sustainable City“ (with Dietrich Henckel).

Invited lectures about Hush City, a participatory framework for mapping and planning quiet areas in cities

• University College London, UK, 27 November 2023 (via Zoom).
• The Bartlett, University College London, UK, 7 March 2023 (via Zoom).
• University College London, UK, 28 November 2022 (via Zoom).
• The Bartlett, University College London, UK, 8 March 2022 (via Zoom).
• The Bartlett, University College London, 9 March 2021 (via Zoom).
• Trinity College Dublin, 10 February 2021 (via Zoom).
• School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA, 18 September 2020.
• Humboldt University Winter School 2020, 21 January 2020.
• TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 16 January 2019.
• LaSalle University, Barcelona, Spain, 27 September 2019.
• University of Firenze, Florence, Italy, 24 September 2019.
• Polytechnic of Milano Milan, Italy, 20 September 2019.
• New York University, New York, USA, 24 April 2019.
• New York University, New York, USA, 21 February 2019.
• University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada, 7 November 2018.
• School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA, 30 August 2018.
• University Hospital Charitè, Berlin, Germany, 25 June 2018.

Invited lectures 

• University of Siena, 18 October 2023, onsite. Lecture: “Citizen science and inclusive engagement for sustainable local development”.
• University of Siena, 10 October 2023, onsite. Lecture: “Citizen science & citizen-generated data for socio-environmental sustainability”.
• University of Siena, 21.3.2023, online. Lecture: “Citizen science and citizen-generated data for environmental policy”.
•  Concordia University, 22 April 2022, online. Lecture: “Soundwalking as an Architect-Urbanist / Notes from the field”.
• Birmingham City University, 27 September 2021, online. Lecture: “Who plans whose sustainability. The changing role of planners in the 21st century in the UK”.
• TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1 July 2019. Lecture: “Mobile apps for environmental noise and soundscape evaluation“.
• HafenCity University, Hamburg, Germany, 12 January 2018. Lecture: “Beyond the Noise: Open Source Soundscapes“.
• TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 17 May 2017. Lecture: “Cities, Noise and Quietness“.
• University of Roma La Sapienza, Rome, Italy, 21 March 2016. Lecture: “Paesaggi sonori: teorie e strumenti di pianificazione qualitativa dell’ambiente sonoro“.
• University of RomeTre, Rome, Italy, 21 November 2014. Workshop: “Come suona Piazza Vittorio? Analisi e mappatura di paesaggi sonori nel quartiere Monti“.
• University of RomaTre, Rome, Italy, 1 Seminar “Formulas”, 5 April 2014. Lecture: “Sull’immagine sonora della città. La sfida della rappresentazione del paesaggio sonoro urbano tra nuove e vecchie tecnologie“.
• University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, 19 April 2013. Workshop: “Il suono della città“ (The Sound of the City”).
• New University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 29 November 2012. Lecture: “On the Sonic Image of the City. Soundscape mapping and design in contemporary cities“.
• Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute, Florence, Italy, 15 November 2014. Workshop “Domestic Soundscapes. A Sonic Guide to San Lorenzo Central Market in Firenze“.
• Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute, Florence, Italy, 6 November 2014 and 2 October 2014. “Mapping Open Soundscapes. Workshop on soundscape studies, open data and civic urbanism“.
• TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 16 September 2011. Workshop: “Time Walk“(with Albert Mayr).

Invited talks and webinars in the educational, public and consultancy sectors

• Round Table “La Biodiversità: dale parole ai fatti”, Bright Night, University of Siena, Italy, 29 September 2023, talking about citizen science and citizen engagement strategies in the CS4RIVERS project, PNRR National biodiversity Future Center.
• Placemaking Lecture Series, Birmingham City University, 5 June 2023, online. Presentation: “Placemaking through the sensory and liveability lens” (with J. Xiao).
• HEIDI Project“Citizen Science For All Talks” series, 26 April 2022, online. Presentation: “Citizen science for contextualized quiet areas policies”.
• EPAnet Interest Group on Citizen Science, 9 November 2021, online. Presentation: “The EU-Citizen.Science project”.
• DZNE-Rostock, 4 October 2021, online. Presentation: “The EU-Citizen.Science project”.
• European Commission Research Executive Agency Cluster Event about Institutional Changes, 1 July 2021, online. Presentation: “The EU-Citizen.Science project”.
• UCL Book Launch: “Geographic Citizen Science Design: No One Left Behind”, London, UK, 23 March 2021, online. Talk: “Lessons from the Hush City project”.
• European Commission Research Executive Agency Citizen Science SwafS Workshop, 21 January 2021, online. Presentation: “The EU-Citizen.Science project”.
• City Council of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, 12 October 2020. Webinar “Seeking for Quietness?”. Talk: “Hush City. Participatory mapping and planning of quiet areas in cities”.
• ARUP, New York, USA, 17 April 2019. Talk: “Hush City: a citizen-driven framework for planning healthier cities“.
• ARUP, Berlin, Germany, 18 October 2018. Talk: “The Hush City project“.
• Museum of Natural History, Florence, Italy, 16 March 22011. Series “Antropologi per un giorno”(“Anthropogists for one day”). Talk: “I suoni della città“(“The Sounds of the City”).


Public events and conferences

• Leader of the organizational team of the conference “The future of citizen science: sharing experiences from the European community”, 24-25 November 2021, online.
• Lead of the organizational team of the High-Level Policy Event “Citizen Science for Policy Across Europe”, a satellite event of the European Research & Innovation Days, 22 June 2021, online.
• Leader of the organizational team of the public event “What’s new in citizen science training: from open science to public engagement”, 27 October 2021, online.
• Member of the organizational team of the international Ecsite Workrooms “Citizen Science Clinic: How to achieve impact with your citizen science projects”, 21, 26 June and 6 July 2021, online.
• Lead of the organizational team of the public event “Noise, Quietness, and the Healthy City”, 24 April 2019, New York University, New York, (USA).
• Member of the Technical Committee of the International Conference “Paesaggi sonori / Soundscapes”, 26-27 April 2018 Pistoia (IT).

Sessions and panels at international conferences & events 

• Co-chair of session 5 “Art, Culture and Heritage”, International Conference Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development, September 25 2023, University of Florence, Firenze, Italy (with Massimo Carta).
• Curator of the Lecture series Lecture Series “Citizen Science for Social Sciences” 2023-2024, University of Siena, Italy (with Cristina Capineri and Venere Stefania Sanna).
• Co-chair of the session “Resisting the platform economy: cooperativism as an alternative?”, RGS-IBG 2023 Annual International Conference, 29 August – 1 September 2023, London (UK) (with Cristina Capineri and Venere Stefania Sanna)
• Curator of the Lecture series Digital Cities, Birmingham City University, UK, 2023.
• As a High-Level Expert in the Fifth Topic “Scaling up citizen science”, organization of the Berlin meeting of the Mutual Learning Exercise on Citizen Science Initiatives – Policy & Practice, European Commission, D-G R&I, Policy Support Facility, November 7-8 2022, Berlin (Germany).
• Co-chair of the panel “Digital Tools”, International Conference EURA 2022 European Urban Research Association, June 16-18 2022, Milan, Italy (with Silvia Gullino and Cristina Cerulli).
• Co-chair of the panel “Integrating soundscape in healthy urban design and planning: perspectives for sustainable futures”, Healthy City Design 2021 Conference, 10-14 October 2021, online (with Marcus Grant).
• Co-chair of the session “City Planning: Urbanization and Development”, International Conference Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development, September 14-16 2021, online (with Massimo Carta).
• Co-chair of the session “Soundscape Projects: Networking, Participation, and New Technology”, 180th ASA Conference, 8-10 June 2021, online (with Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp).
• Co-chair of the session “Trends on the use of technology in soundscape analysis, design and planning”, 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, 9-13 September 2019, Aachen (DE) (with Andy Chung).
• Co-chair of the session “Artificial Intelligence, Apps, Social Media and Virtual Reality as Soundscape Evaluation Tools”, International Congress Inter-noise 2019, 17-19 June 2019, Madrid, (ES) (with Andy Chung).
• Co-chair of the session “Apps, Social Media and Virtual Reality as Soundscape Evaluation Tools”, International Congress Inter-noise 2018, 26-29 August 2018 Chicago (USA) (with Andy Chung).
• Chair of the session “Research on Soundscape”, XXII International Conference on Sound & Vibration, 12-16 July 2015, Florence (IT).
• Co-chair of the session “Vegetal Architecture”, II International Congress on Ambiances, 19-22 September 2012, Montreal (CA) (with Pascal Joanne)


• Scientific consultant on the cultural and natural heritage of the Tuscany Region and curator of the interactive Toscana Sound Map exhibited in the Tuscany Pavilion at the EXPO 2015, Milan (IT).
• Scientific consultant and member of the curatorial team of the exhibition Le Quattro Stagioni. Le Architetture del Made in Italy (The Four Seasons. The Made in Italy Architectures) displayed at the Italian Pavilion,13th Architecture Biennial of Venice, Venice (IT).

Public soundwalks and lightwalks with different stakeholders

• Trento, Italy, 17 September 2021, digital soundwalk at the conference “Soundscape in urban and building design“, University of Trento.
• Limerick, Ireland, 3 June 2020, Series of soundwalks at the Green Leaf Week, in collaboration with Limerick City Council. Postponed, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
• Berlin, Germany, 28 November 2019. Combined sound- & lightwalk in the neighbourhood Friedrichshain at the “Stadt Nach Acht 2019 – International Nightlife“ Conference (with D. Henckel).
• Global Program of Hush City Soundwalks for the celebration of the Sunday Walk Sunday 2019.
• Barcelona, Spain, 27 September 2019, soundwalk in the neighbourhood Poblenou, in collaboration with University LaSalle Barcelona.
• Florence, Italy, 24 September 2019, soundwalk in the neighbourhood Rovezzano, in collaboration with the University of Firenze.
• Milan, Italy, 20 September 2019, soundwalk in the neighbourhood Morivione, in collaboration with the LabSimUrb, Polytechnic of Milan.
• Berlin, Germany, 18 September 2019, soundwalk in the neighbourhood Mitte – Pankstrasse area.
• Berlin, Germany, 8 July 2019, soundwalk in the neighbourhood Charlottenburg with the students of the TU Berlin.
• New York, USA, 24 April 2019 soundwalk in the neighbourhood West Village, organized within the context of the New York University Workshop “Noise Quietness and the Healthy City” for the International Noise Awareness Day 2019 at New York University.
• New York, USA, 8 April 2019, soundwalk in the neighbourhood West Village, with the students of the New York University (with A. Bronzaft and T. H. Park).
• Madrid, Spain, 27 November 2018, soundwalk in the historical centre of Madrid within the context of the CONAMA Conference on the Environment.
• Rome, 18 October 2018, soundwalk in the neighbourhood Testaccio, organized with the Association Testaccio in Piazza.
• Berlin, Germany, 11 September 2018, soundwalk in the neighbourhood Pankstrasse, Mitte, organized with the Berlin Municipality within the participatory campaign for the Berlin Plan of Quiet Areas (2018-2023).
• Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2 September 2018, soundwalk in the neighbourhood Delfthafen within the context of the “The Anxious City“ Festival.
• Berlin, Germany, 18 July 2018, two Soundwalks in the neighbourhood Reuterkiez, organized for the World Listening Day 2018.
• Berlin, Germany, 16 May 2018, soundwalk in the neighbourhood Altstadt Köpenick, organized with the Berlin Municipality within the participatory campaign for the Berlin Plan of Quiet Areas (2018-2023).
• Pistoia, Italy, 26-27 April 2018, two Soundwalks in the historical centre of Pistoia organized within the context of the international conference “Paesaggi sonori/Urban Soundscapes“.
• Berlin, Germany, 17 April 2018, soundwalk in the neighbourhood Reuterkiez with the students of the Rütlischule, organized for the International Noise Awareness Day 2018.
• Berlin, Germany, 6 March 2018. Berlin, soundwalk in the neighbourhood Reuterkiez, with the students of the University of Pennsylvania, Berlin field trip,
• Hamburg, Germany, 12 January 2018, soundwalk in the neighbourhood HafenCity, with the students of the HafenCity University.
• Berlin, Germany, 1 September 2017, soundwalk in the neighbourhood Reuterkiez, Berlin with the students of the University of Edinburgh, Berlin ethno-field trip.
• Rome, Italy, 7 June 2017. Combined sound- & lightwalk in the neighbourhood Celio, Rome, at the 32nd Italian Congress of Geography (with D. Henckel).
• Berlin, Germany, 24 April 2017, soundwalk in the neighbourhood Reuterkiez with the students of the Rütlischule, organized for the International Noise Awareness Day 2017.
• Florence, Italy, 29 November 2016. Combined sound- & lightwalk in the neighbourhood Santa Croce with the students of the TU Berlin (with D. Henckel).
• Berlin, Germany, 3 November 2016. Combined sound, & lightwalk in the neighbourhood Kreuzberg with the students of the TU Berlin (with D. Henckel).
• Florence, Italy, 16 July 2015, two soundwalks in the neighbourhood Oltrarno and San Lorenzo, Florence, at the XXII International Conference on Sound & Vibration.
• Florence, Italy, 9 May 2015, soundwalk in the neighbourhood Isolotto, Florence at the Tempo Reale Festival.
• Rome, Italy, 21 November 2014, soundwalk in the neighbourhood Esquilino, organized with the University of RomaTre.


2011 – Present